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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:48 Wed 14th May 2014 | ChatterBank
188 Answers
Wednesday. A clear sky! Venus is shining bright. A good day in prospect.

I hope it stays like it all day. :o}

Havw a happy one everybody. :o}


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Very inventive! Yes, lady j. Got my money's worth ;-)
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Time I was elsewhere too.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}
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Morning scriv. Beautiful isn't it. :o}

pix a repeat whenever you like! ;o}

Gotta go. :o}
You too, boaty xx
morning scrivens xx
Yes I should be off too....have a good day all, this bright morn.
I'll hold you to that! Thanks ;-) xx
Afternoon! Got here eventually! ;0)

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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