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We Are Nearly Moved In!

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RATTER15 | 14:47 Sat 10th May 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
What a nightmare move, still no internet until Thursday, poor Carakeel having big problems with her knee replacement, she has to go into hospital very soon to have it replaced again, it appears she has had an infection in the shaft of the bone and the lower part of the joint has broken away and damaged the bone. Really not good!!
Well a few more days and we will hopefully be more settled again and wait for the hospital appointment in the next few weeks.

Its all go!!


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Yey!! we have braodband!!! a day early as well :-) Still very busy day ahead but I may get on here tonight for a moan and a natter. Carakeel is doing Ok but she needs to take lots of breaks, she tires quickly but that is her cocktail of meds doing that I expect.
no hurry you it at your leisure, food.heating,bed. what more do you need ? :)
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Lol Anne, if only.

We were supposed to vacate the property on the 6th, we got the keys to this new place on the 4th, we have been flat out with vans trailers and a large car the 30 mile round trip since then. We have now emptied both the house and the lodge and now working on clearing the workshop, a few more trips tomorrow should do it. Meanwhile I am still doing a full time job.

Im knackered!!!
I'm not surprised! Are you keeping the same job? (not sure how far you've moved).
Question Author
Yes Pixie, we have moved closer to my work, just 10 minutes drive now :-)
Ah good. Are you enjoying it?
Best wishes from me, to the both of you.

Chrissa X
Ratter it will be such a relief to feel settled proper ....I wish you both what you would wish yourself !! And the hounds too ! Xx
fingers crossed up there, and poor Carakeel - she's the priority know that, I am sure - the house will come together in time! Good luck this time!
Question Author
Thanks all and loving the work Pixie :-)

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We Are Nearly Moved In!

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