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A Sorry Tale Indeed

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Baldric | 12:33 Thu 15th May 2014 | ChatterBank
39 Answers

Whilst not wishing to make to make light of story this in any way, is a memorial not going too far?

But if there's going to be one what form should it take?


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The Peta spokesperson's anthropomorthisism - "“We hope our memorial will remind people that chickens are not just body parts to pick out of buckets but individuals with feelings who, like us, don't want to die in an upturned lorry or at an abattoir.” is probably typical of the organisation's ethos, and if it wishes to fund a memorial, and obtains...
16:21 Thu 15th May 2014
Yes, I find it sad too. Over 6,000 crammed into a lorry on their way to slaughter, poor beggars. I'm glad some survived and may find good homes now (see BOO's thread in animals and nature). Good on PETA, I say.
a giant egg on a grassy verge,,,
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I suppose putting it in

ChatterBank the home of natter and nonsense on The AnswerBank. You could ask serious questions here, but don't expect serious answers!

Was maybe not the best move, the main question was "what form should the monument take?"
Something like the Angel of the North

A giant cock perhaps?
if animals in wartime can get memorials, when they didn't even know there was a war on, I don't see why animals in peace time shouldn't. I suppose chickens could lay and sell golden eggs to fund it.
Quite right too. And let's not forget a memorial on the wall of every abattoir. These poor birds died in vain. They never even got to cross the road. God rest their souls.
it is sad, however a memorial is highly unusual, one would say inappropriate
The Peta spokesperson's anthropomorthisism -

"“We hope our memorial will remind people that chickens are not just body parts to pick out of buckets but individuals with feelings who, like us, don't want to die in an upturned lorry or at an abattoir.”

is probably typical of the organisation's ethos, and if it wishes to fund a memorial, and obtains suitable permissions to erect it, then fine.

But to expect the majority of the public, who are meat eaters, to indulge in such hypocracy would be utterly futile - let's face it, most people simply aren't interested.
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A fine suggestion Roy, a Giant Cock, along the lines of
would be a fitting memorial I think!
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It appears from Andy's post ^^^^^^ that PETA would be erecting it, funds permitting.
A memorial for dead chickens............ hmm daft idea! what about all the humans that get killed on the roads?? they dont get a memorial. where do people think up these ideas?
This was discussed on the radio,apparently they already have a memorial, it's a ten foot high cartoon type angry chicken.

and the epitaph could be a mis-quote from dead old Good Life:
you can't make an omeletter without breaking eggs, my brothers let us pray....
a large sign......................GO TO WORK ON AN EGG ?
A worthy Best Answer.
M622 - gateway to Lancashire - you could call it Le Coq Door......
Yes indeed - a very sorry tale. :o(

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