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queenofmean | 23:08 Thu 15th May 2014 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Or heard from Excel?

I just miss seeing him around and hope that he is ok. If you are about Excel can I take the opportunity to say Hello and hope you are well and I hope to see you back soon - I can't speak for everyone but I certainly miss you

Queenie x


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you flatter me, kvalidir

you theem to have a thevere thpeech impediment there Exthel ;-)
00:06 Sun 04th May 2014
Question Author
for a minute there I though my mum had came on -

in my best Len Goodman voice (and I hope cupid doesn't shoot me for this)'re my favourite ;)
Well done, queenie. You found him! Glad to have you back, excel. We've missed you xx
How bizarre - to remember a line like that from 2 weeks ago.....can't be much to do down under, I guess.
Lovely thread Queenie, xx
Great post Queenie, glad to see you back Excel xx

good afternoon pixie and Psybbo

thank you for your kind words
Exc...welcome home ma wee sausage xxx...

thank you, my lovely murraymints
Have you said hi to the jokes page, excel; it will have been missing you!

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