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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:26 Sat 17th May 2014 | ChatterBank
167 Answers
Saturday. A short visit this morning. I shall be away at 7, last minute packing etc.

It looks like a nice day on it's way. All the usual suspects out and about this morning. A badger is getting used to me as he/she just sat and watched me walk past a couple of feet away. It usually scuttles of. I'm pleased with that. :o}

Have a happy day everyone.



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Wendi...indeed ! ...most haunted !
Morning everyone, hope you all have a great day- looks beautiful here.
In fact, boaty away for a few days with friends and within 30 minutes of home, well that may be a euphemism for a 'lock in' at the Tudor Arms, minty......
Morning kva xx

Tee hee DT...could be !
morning kval - it is here too....
Time to get on...see you all later xx
Morning, all......beautiful gardening day here....when I wake up. This is early isn't it?...☺

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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