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Guardian Prize Crossword Saturday May 17Th 2014

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catsrcool | 08:43 Sat 17th May 2014 | Crosswords
10 Answers
1dn Roughly object to acquiring computer language (8) ?r?s?e?t
23ac Poetically, east to north (10) ???n?n?t??
25ac The wrong way for Greek character to be buried in the earth (5) ??u?d mound?


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23 ac. tangential?
1d: crescent - the computer language is C

23a: Mornington - one of those without definition

25a: sound = 'nu' reversed inside 'sod' - another undefined
... in fact all 3 have no definition in the clue
Question Author
If 26ac Now settled, but exhausted (8) e???n?e? = expended
22dn Is wild animal able to bite? (6) c?n?p? the p from the above
yes expended
sorry about tangentia l:-(
you weren't to know that the clue might not contain a definition, Tilly2 (assuming that you don't have the crossword)
No, I don't, bibble. I should keep quiet really.
Question Author
thank you
you're very welcome

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Guardian Prize Crossword Saturday May 17Th 2014

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