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Blimey, It's Dead 'ot

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Tilly2 | 12:42 Sat 17th May 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
out there. I've had to come inside. Too hot for me.


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Have a look at 'Penny Dreadful' on T.V x
This is the best day of the year so far here. We've been for a stroll along the seafront followed by lunch in a cafe. Now i'm sitting in the garden with the newspapers and my ipad remembering how much I have longed to do this!
Maydup, I did the same before, lovely in the shade with a coffee!
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That's better. It's cooling down a bit.
I hate hot weather too Tilly, can't wait for more rain.
Tis a bit, Tilly....I'm going to cut the grass if I can tear myself away from the two families of starlings in my garden.
I can't think when I had as much pleasure from anything (well I can but that's not for on here) as I've had from watching them....☺
has been warm here ... you ladies will be pleased to hear that the khaki shorts will be on if it keeps up
Lovely here,bit of breeze off the sea to keep it comfortable. I've been sitting in the garden reading .Love the hot weather .
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I have a problem in the sun with Polymorphic Light Eruption. I have to keep my arms, legs and feet covered. It's a real pain!
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The starlings are so noisy, gness. It's lovely to hear and see them.
If what keeps up, Ael?
my will to make a fool of myself gness
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Just don't wear the socks, ael. You might get away with it.
not while the wife insists on calling me mr mannering i won't
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Well, you're certainly not as pompous as him!

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Blimey, It's Dead 'ot

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