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Good Morning Early Birds

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murraymints | 05:06 Mon 19th May 2014 | ChatterBank
118 Answers
Monday .....and all is well xx


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Come on LJ, pull yourself together,
nothing wrong with Potted shrimps after all!
mrs outofthis world - balders has been cruel to me. err the book. . . . . .
Morning all xx sunny! :D
well they certainly flock into the bird centre.....

The mussels weren't too bad there.
morning pixie.

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Morning pixie xx
The Castle Inn at Dirleton was pretty good for food.....lots of Italian derived dishes as it's owned by Italians, they also have a restaurant in NB and I can't remember which one it is, (there are about four of them in the town, a veritable spate of tagliatelle).
time for me to go. have a good day all of you - even balders and DTC who are both cruel to me. I don't hold a grudge. I just never forget.
morning pix.....
Hiya. Everyone ok today? Xx
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Bye lady xx. There's a brilliant chippy...opposite the public loos at far end of high street..get fish supper and sit on bench by the beach I some people watching !
Now how have I been cruel - my ciggie remark was directed at the Right Honourable member for North Kent not the Right Honourable memberess for the Lizard.

Ha, just had a result, just rec'd an email addy for the CEO of that London Hospital that keeps putting off my OP, see what he has to say later.
Zitto's is the other one that they own, again the far end of the high street.
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Know them DT ..but think it's deffo a fish 'n' chips day in the sunshine !

Order, Order! the Right Honourable member for North Kent would not have a ciggie in hand! Knotted hankie maybe, but no ciggie!
True - you can sit outside at the bird centre but good luck in getting a table.....must be going now, so will say bye and have a good day to all.
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Bye DT xx me too ..time to get on..see you later xx

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