Not to be presumptious, but, being a bee keeper here in the U.S., I usually ask the inquirer about such events if they're sure the insects are truly bees or is it possible they are wasps (yellowjackets, etc.)? Makes a lot of difference, obviously on how they are treated. Unless the bees you are seeing are 'scout bees', a true swarming colony will be a bunch clumped together around the new queen... or if moving they will be seen as a cloud of bees trying to stay as close to the queen as possible.
A few insects buzzing around a rain gutter (especially for the residual water remaining in the gutter) sounds more like wasps.
At least here in the western U.S., it's a little early for a newly minted Queen to move (read swarm) a new colony to a distant location... but, I suspect you're probably ahead of us on warm weather onset...