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My Only Excuse Is, I've Had A Stressful Week

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Tilly2 | 21:14 Sat 24th May 2014 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
Tonight we had pork chops, mushrooms, tomatoes, peas and jacket potatoes. For some reason I also steamed a pan of jersey royals. We ate the jacket potatoes.

What can I do with a panful of cooked jersey royals tomorrow. Please don't suggest potato salad. We don't like it.

All suggestions welcome.

A stressed out Tilly xx


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Not bad humber. Good days and bad days. Today has been so so.
saw you had a blender triumph so that's a plus, hope it's a good b&c this evening
Humber, the B&C keeps me sane. Yes the blender did exactly what I wanted.
So what was the fate of the poatoes?
still in the fridge ?
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So what was the fate of the potatoes?

Puzzled 54, we ate them. did you cook/serve them in the end ?
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Anne, very boringly, I put them in a covered pyrex dish with a tiny bit of butter and warmed them in the oven whilst the pork was cooking. They were fine.

I didn't have time to mess about doing anything else. My time was taken up trying to shift a rogue program on my laptop.

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My Only Excuse Is, I've Had A Stressful Week

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