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The Unknown Dangers Of Cycling In The South Downs

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AB Editor | 09:39 Wed 28th May 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
This isn't quite what they expected while wandering across the countryside:



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Look at all the rubbish strewn everywhere, they should be ashamed of themselves :-(
An illegal rave, Ed ?.
Those cars with the doors left open, the cyclist could have done the owners a favour and booted them shut as he past them.
not very litter conscious are they? I bet they all vote green.
I like to see young people enjoying thesmselves!

BTW, the music you could hear playing is Track One on a brand new compilation CD - 'Now That's What I Call A ****ng Racket!'
just shows how full the country is they need to get up a mountain to get away from the crowds
Andy...if they could enjoy themselves without the litter and unflattering leggings.......☺☺
I bet the toilet facilities were ... 'mediaeval'
Plenty of bushes around, Dave.
That's the South Downs for you. Just dodgy.

Actually, the tracks are open to walkers and horses, as well as bikers. Bikers tend to expect the tracks to be clear for them, and everyone else to get out of the way.

I've come a cropper cycling on the South Downs. I went over the handlebars, catching my shin on the pedal as I fell, and took a four inch lump off the front of my leg, and ended up in casualty with them stitching it back on.

I blame the hikers. They're a menace. There was a guy in the middle of that clip, with his long hiking pole. They shouldn't be allowed.

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