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Are We Afraid To State Our Views!

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TWR | 19:23 Wed 28th May 2014 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
On Racialism? we, the public know the Issue, why don't the Government act?


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But why is no one equating population increase by whosoever, will eventually be detrimental to this country (Island)? We have finite resources and land, surely this should put into the equation when considering immigration and the like?
graham that is absolutely b u l l s h i t e
the NHS has had more money pumped into than ever, housing in the capital can't cope, mostly it can't cope because rents are way too high, the ones who can afford it are not native British, they are people from outside, the Chinese, students from wealthy families, those who are only here for a short time, working or studying, as to schools, why should we have to teach the English language to foreign pupils, its not fair
relative who runs a school has said they take mostly Polish children who cannot speak English, so each intake has to learn, they take them every year year in year out, not fair on the school.
Emmie, I am qualified and relatively young and struggled to get a job for 3 months recently - I can't speak for all the young and qualified as to whether they are being 'lazy' or not, but when you are in the job-hunt situation and see over 200 people have applied for the same job as yourself, and it's the same for every job you apply for, it shines a light on how many people out there are desperately trying to get work. It's not a barrel of laughs and takes time.
Soul destroying I should imagine Peas.
I'm sorry. Have to go. This thread would have been well boring without a Devils Advocate. Not so much a troll as someone presenting the other side for a while. Thanks.
peas, i know, that is what is so galling that we have more and more people entering the country - i want our young to get on, i don't believe the media hype that many of our young are lazy, lax, feckless, i reckon that we have bought a pig in a poke, that many here want to work, will find it hard, especially in the field they have been trained for, got a degree in.

i was in that position years ago, soul destroying.

It does appear that TWR is afraid to state his own views!
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My Views, If you come into this country & paid sod all into the system, expect sod all out of the system, if you can not keep, house yourself and your family, get yourself insurance from your own country to fund you fully & do not expect my hard earned taxes to keep you, if other persons feel sorry for you, let them keep, house, finance you, that is my views, you had the choice to come here.

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