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Buenchico's Crosswords

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Caran | 22:08 Thu 29th May 2014 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Hi Chris, I finished the other two puzzles, you stumped me with fait accompli
And on the other one SARS and erst. I really enjoyed doing all of them. Very well done!


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Thanks, Caran.

I've got the grid+answers completed on paper for the next one but I've yet to get around to drawing out the grid in Publisher and thinking up the clues for it. Hopefully I'll get it done in time to give to the guys in the pub on Sunday evening, so I'll probably put it online fairly soon if you're interested.
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I certainly am very interested in doing another.
Shouldn't this be in Crosswords now that we have our very own cruciverbalist? ;-))
Just a thought:
My crosswords are loosely based upon the big crossword that appears in The Times every Saturday. (i.e. a 23 x 23 grid, non-cryptic, with colloquial and foreign language terms [if used in day-to-day English] sometimes appearing).

So if you fancy investing £1.50, you might like to consider buying The Times on Saturday. (We'll probably be doing that big crossword on Sunday evening but that's just one of two non-cryptic crosswords that are in The Times on Saturdays; there's the usual daily one as well). There's even a prize on offer for the sender of the first correct solution drawn out. (It would be pointless our little group sending our copy in; the adjudicator wouldn't be able to decipher what we'd written among all of the crossings-out!)
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Never got on with The Times crosswords but might give it a try.

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