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queenofmean | 15:39 Fri 30th May 2014 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
...I meet my OH's family...I'm ok on the outside but my insides are ting themselves up in knots....someone please make me laugh or something


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Have you seen the film 'Meet the Fokkers?'
My favourite "at the in-laws" joke - told by Jasper Carrott :

"I was at the girlfriend's when their dog started licking his balls.

I was a bit embarrassed and turned to my future mother-in-law and said ... 'I wish I could do that'.

She looked at me and said ... 'If you give him a biscuit, he'll let you!' "
Queenie....if they have a dog...ignore it for heaven's sake....

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Thank you all.

Lol it! I will ignore it Gness ;)
Anne my sweet if I were as missed as a pewt at this time on a Friday, do you think five able so say conniptions let alone type it? ;-)

Besides I'm on far too many pills..............alas! :-(
"pilsner" lol
LOl queenie just be your lovely kindhearted self, I'm sure they will love you. I've had a giggle reading the previous answers, and with that in mind may I suggest that you may wish to have a Tena lady handy in case you cough and pee.....but forget that you are young yet. Good luck.
Sadly, Queenie has had some bad news and the prospect of meeting her young
man's family is now the least of her worries!
It look as though she and her former colleagues will be in need of some legal advice.
She was glad of your posts, and advice which made her laugh before she went
Thanks to You all

The shoe shop, nungate ?.
oh no :-( whatever it is I hope it turns out ok for them
what's the matter now. I thought all that had been sorted out.
Actually read it as conniptions nun!
That's right Tony, the shoe shop. I don't want to say too much, but she is as mad as all get out, I told her young man to bring a crash helmet! I dare say she will let you know what's happened when she comes home tomorrow. But I've done a bit of research as it were and am now fully armed, and hopefully we'll have the "girls" here a t some point this weekend for a council of war, or witches coven, which ever is the most effective!
im sorry to hear that nungate, I hope ' things' work out.
Thanks Daisy! I was aiming for conniptions but my kindle thought otherwise - it also likes to put in words that I did not type too!
got the teapot ready?
That's right Tony, the shoe shop.

Thanks, nungate.
When I read the Header to Queenies post I was going to to say 'the teddy bears have their picnic'. I hope queenie can sort the problem out asap, and her meeting with the OH parents goes well.

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