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Mounted Police

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EcclesCake | 15:12 Fri 30th May 2014 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Does anyone else have a local bobby who patrols on horse back?

I had no idea that a neighbouring village had a mounted bobby!


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2 WPCs on horseback patrol my area a couple of times a month.
Quite often, in the Spring and Summer, I see bobbies on bicycles two by two. They patrol around down town, but mainly they cover the paths and walkways in the numerous parks that we have. And no, I have never seen a Mountie on a horse:) (except of course in the movies.)
We rarely see a policeman at all, if we do they are usually in a Land Rover.
not seen one of them either svejk
police - what is that? never see them. mounted or otherwise.
It's almost funny to see them peddling around in their short pants, short-sleeve shirts, and this ominous looking Glock automatic dangling from their hips.
are they in disguise stewey?
Forgot to mention their weird looking safety head-gear.
I wonder if the women cops say "Did I shave my legs for this?"
I thought that was just the men!
I came across this woman cop on a bike giving a local prostitute a hassle, so I says to her, the cop, "Hey, what's the problem? You're the one peddling your ass around town!:)
Lady J, I'll have you know that real men don't shave their legs: they use Nair.
Hampshire Horsewatch have volunteers who patrol local villages for a minimum of 8 hours a month, to help keep rural communities safe. They wear hi-viz jackets, and the horses are kitted out in protective clothing. The volunteers cant arrest anyone, they have to report to police, anything suspicious (poaching, fly tipping, sheep rustling!) I only know this because I recently saw this and googled it. I live in North Hants, but I don't know if this is common in all rural areas. Good idea I think.
The revd Stiby of Powerstock, used to do his vicars rounds on horseback -
I just thought I would share that with you ( 1960s )
Well I once ( accidently ) saw a policeman mount a police woman.
The sight of any police would b e a novelty here
We used to , but I haven't seen them for a while, I think they must have stopped them,
They were lovely to see, but not so good when they left a huge deposit right outside your gate. lol

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