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This Doesn't Make Sense

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Nitsreik1993 | 02:53 Fri 30th May 2014 | Body & Soul
19 Answers
What does it mean when someone you are on perfectly good terms with just stops talking to you? They don't respond to your text messages (but responded to another one of your friends who was with you), and no longer snapchats you. If it helps this is a male friend...


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These things happen, kristine. There could be all sorts of reasons. You'll only ever know if you ask him and he answers truthfully.
I did understand your post, by the way
i can only assume from reading your post that he is under the age of seven
Snap chat is that eating the face of you
I doubt it, aelmpvw- from this and previous posts I think the OP is 20 or 21 so the friend may be another student
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hold your head up high,,,,,,,,,,,,,don't let him know it bothers you. he is very childish.
I'm just wondering if he's happy with the relationship?
How childish. Get on with your life, and don't waste even a second bothering about it. No REAL friend would behave like that :-)
I don't know what 'snapchat' means, but I imagine you've said something to upset him. Ask him why he won't speak to you.
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Not at all. The last thing that happened was him asking me if I was going to an event he was going to attend. I said yes. He didn't show up to the event and he's been mute since.

Why are you asking us instead of him?
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I've asked him. And he hasn't responded...
Friendships often end and people move on, I agree it would be nicer to know why - but otherwise my advice is to broaden your horizons and meet new friends.

Did you text him or ask him face to face?
All you can do is accept he doesn't want to speak to you. One of life's little mysteries. Move on.
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To Baldric: I texted him. Haven't had the chance to see him in person.

I think the 'Move on' advice ^^^ is probably correct.
I think you have to move on...

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