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4D ?

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mikey4444 | 18:36 Mon 02nd Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I know what 3d means in regards to a film, but what does 4d mean ?


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I don't understand it. I thought 3D was actually 4D- and that the 4th dimension was time. Obviously, I'm wrong, so i hope someone will explain it too.
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According to jno's link, it might involve being sprayed with water apparently.
Good grief...not for me !

I have only seen one 3d film and that was there is at least 3.5 hours of my life I will never get back again !
Gravity in 3D is a joy mikey4444
4D Adult movies with vibrating seats....oooh errr!!
Ah, thanks jno. That still doesn't make much sense to me. Are senses the same as dimensions, then? I agree about Avatar. Thankfully, we got it on DVD. The rest of the family loved it. I wandered off after about 10 minutes.
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Then you are very wise pixie ! That bl**dy film went on and on and on. Even when I thought it had ended, it went on for another 45 mins. It was basically a childrens film, with added violence. The script was so predictable that it must have been faxed in. And I understand he is contemplating making a sequel ! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !
'Avatar' bored me senseless.
oh, vibrating seats and whiffs of perfume were common Hollywood stunts in the 1950s as they tried to repel TV; but of course few cinemas were kitted out to handle them. And a cold shower for Mamya's seat.

Agree with FrogNog: I could have done without Avatar, but Gravity in 3D is wonderful.
Well, i won't be queuing to see that, Mikey!
I said that with confidence, but actually sat through Godzilla this half-term for son, friend and nephew. Also, Captain America. Dull!
looks like you'll never be a fanboy, pixie
From a science perspective I always understood 4D to mean time. So I just assumed it meant that the film you wanted to watch was being screened at the time you turned up at. I then learnt it meant vibrating seats......still not too sure about that dimension :-(
Exactly,jno :-)
eccles- that's what i thought- a photo is 2D and any film is 3D. Where is jim360?
the latest seats will be able to transport you from Avatar 2 to a screening of Mamma Mia, on demand.
Lol. That's a great idea- the whole family can watch a different film each :D
Watching a film in 3D makes me feel sick.
I've seen the Muppets in 4D in Disneyworld. Rats (in 3D) spill off the stage and air jets in the seats in front of you blow spurts of air onto your feet, someone with a water pistol squirts out from the screen and you get wet from the water jets, again, from the seats in front of you.
It's quite effective and the kids loved it.
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I think you have the essence of it...children love it !

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