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wildwood | 08:14 Fri 16th May 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
37 Answers
Are there any muslims on Answerbank who can justify this? I am sure someone on here mentioned a while ago that Islam is not against christianity.


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beso, I agree that "Islam can be objectively shown to be the bottom of the pile" when it comes to the retardedness of all the Muslim countries of the world, but there is another side to polygamy, without it many woman would not be able to survive. In the same article I quote above Hosken relates how a man's Baghdad tea shop was blown up by an enormous car bomb in 2007 killing 68 people including his wife, 4 sons and a grandson. He has since somehow been able to rebuild his small business and says " You may congratulate me on this, but you see, I now have 4 widows and 11 orphans to support".
or Bomb & Quran as is is known..
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But good can come from bad. Is there anything more noble for a Christian to aspire to than the martyr's crown?
Sandy, most christians aspire to go to heaven....but not too soon.
sandy; I don't think martyrdom is considered the 'achievement' in Christianity as it is in Islam, is it?
I think that the true nature of islam is demonstrated by what passes for civilized behaviour in islamic states. These are countries where islam has free reign, unmoderated by lefty,pinko, atheists and their humanitarian ilk. If there are any moderate muslims in these countries they are either in hiding or in prison or dead.
Keyplus, I too would like to know why you're 'leaving the original question aside'. I'd be very interested in your thoughts on it.
Silence speaks volumes.
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Mmm... Nobody seems to be able to support this barbaric practice. This creates another question! Does this mean that there are no other Muslims (apart for the one who made a quick bypass) on Answerbank, or are the other Muslims embarrassed by this?
Wildwood, I think it means that all the muslims who subscribe to answerbank are afraid to comment because they cannot appear to be humane and civilised without committing blasphemy and being murdered, so they are keeping their mouths shut until it all blows over.
I have just done a search for Judge Abbas Khalifa, but apart from this monstrous act I can't find anything more, does anyone know who he is and what are his qualifications?
Khandro, I've no idea who he is - but why would I? He's some backward judge presiding over an appallingly backward society - nothing more.
Looks like all the muslims and muslim apologists go on holiday at the same time.
not back from holiday yet?
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perhaps halal C4 costs a bit more...

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