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Lib-Lab Talks...already ?

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mikey4444 | 09:04 Thu 05th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
2 Answers

Interesting report from Newsnight. Are Labour preparing for a coalition with the Libs ?...seems so ! While not supporting coalitions in general, its fairly obvious that the LibDems have more in common with Labour, than they ever did with the Tories. It is my personal observation that Gordon was to blame for buggering up talks with the LibDems, in the days after the 2010 election.
If it had been any other Labour personality in charge at the time, we could most likely have had a Labour/LibDems coalition these last 4 years.


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the Lib dems will get into bed with anyone as long as they hold on to power, they are tarts with no hearts.
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Not difficult to agree with you on that point emmie !

But now I have to go to work...Old Age pension can't come quick enough for me !

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