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pig latin

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gcdunh6 | 19:00 Mon 04th Feb 2002 | Phrases & Sayings
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what is the origin of pig latin?


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I have been speaking Pig-Latin since a babe in the crib! ALL my family speaks it also! It is like a second language at our reunions, etc. My daughter (now 18 yrs of age) picked it up on her own just by listening to the rest of us. I guess that's how we all learned it in my family. ANYWAY...Here is what I was able to find out for you. Hope it helps...Tamara QUOTE: Pig Latin, or sometimes called Dog Latin. It apparently goes back at least to mid-18th century England, and was at first a combination of Latin (or Greek) and English. Hendrickson, Robert 1987 "The Henry Holt Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins". Oxford. END QUOTE

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