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May I Please Have A Moan.........

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Jeza | 19:57 Tue 10th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
Mic has had a bad one, if Mics is bad then mine is worse. I know Mic is not himself. Today I had my hair pulled and been punched in the chest. I rang the surgery asking could they give him something to calm him down. Doc came out to see him. "I told you you should have put him in a nursing home" Thanks Doc for nothing.


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Humber, I'm galloping about in granny slippers or bare feet.

Pixie, I'm doing my best.

Off to bed now. Night all.
-- answer removed --
Can you not take a very LOUD hint, Eddie?
Words fail me - please don't post again Eddie.
Eddie, you're making it sound as though there may not be a choice. There is ALWAYS a choice- and it depends entirely on what mic and jeza want. It is possible to have live-in carers, district nurses etc at home and if the problem is violence- that is not something carers are supposed to deal with, either singly or in pairs (although we do). That is where doctors and psychogeriatricians come in. There is nothing a nursing or care home can do, that cannot be done at home, if required.

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May I Please Have A Moan.........

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