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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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wendilla | 18:02 Fri 13th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
1st sighting. 10. 10 pm for 6 mins W departing ESE

2nd sighting. 11. 47 pm for 3 mins w departing s


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I will try - not done very well since I saw it in Spain a fortnight ago!
We had a nice article in our local paper today. Double page spread highlighting the ISS over the UK this weekend. Only mistake they made was to advise people to look out between 10.10 and 11.50 instead of precisely at those times. People will be disappointed if they look at 10.30 and give up come 10.45!
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Maydup I would have rang the paper if I had seen that as the time I state is the exact time it will be over. . I have been watching it for a few years and it is always on time o
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No sighting here .too cloudy

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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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