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KARL | 12:47 Sat 07th Jun 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
12 Answers
There has been a lot of discussion/debate together with statements on here and elsewhere on AB about Islam, Muslims, terrorists/ism, etc. The following link may be of interest to at least some of those who have taken part, especially those who do not cling to stereotypical views:


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I'd rather have the odd, uninformed rant than wade through that lot. Could you précis it for me and explain, in your opinion, what bearing it has on our discussions?
is islamicity actually a word ?
I'm sure it's a very interesting paper and I will read it later, but I do think it might be a little long winded for a lot of people to bother with I'm afraid ;/
you're so polite, klav. lol. ;o)
I think this is the bit that karl wants people to read, although i have no idea why.

"We must again emphasize that these are preliminary results that not only
require data directly tied to Islamic economic principles but also require extensive
refinement of the EI2 as well. It is difficult at this time to draw more concrete
conclusions other than to say that it is our belief that most self-declared Islamic
countries have not adopted economic and financial policies that are in conformity
with Islamic teachings."
A great information site about Islam and Muslims in text,audio and video. Also, a good reference for non-Muslims who are searching about Islam
If anyone can be bothered to wade through that load of repetitive bumph about 'religiosity ' and' Islamicity' good luck to them !!!
You don't suppose placing your bets on an eternity of rewards beyond the grave might have some impact on individual productivity, (however much oil might be flowing beneath bended knee), do you?

I suspect such devotion to an afterlife might be seen as money in the bank in the eyes of those by whom they are governed.
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I confess my eyes glazed over once or twice, but I have read the report, which, depending upon your perception of it, is either laughable – or actually quite chilling. The authors are pro-Islam, and conclude that ‘most self-declared Islamic countries have not adopted economic and financial policies that are in conformity with Islamic teachings’.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here, Karl?
I think the nub of it is that some muslims not being content with being 'superior' to non muslims want to prove that some muslims are 'superior' to other muslims. This is the attitude that in the past has led to wholesale massacres of insufficiently strict muslims or those perceived so to be. Why they can't leave this for god to soort out I can't imagine, it shows a lack of god.
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