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Last For A Few Weeks Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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wendilla | 18:29 Thu 19th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
10 07 pm for 4mins. Wsw departing S


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Sorry to ask again wendilla, but will I be able to see it from Suffolk at the same time?
Cheers Wendy :-) xx

trt, probably

And Thanks Wendy.
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Trt. Within a few seconds. Yes
Boo, too cloudy here -will watch out for it again in a few weeks :o)
Missed it, only just seen this :-(
Me too, missed it.
Lovely clear night here, so ---

My neighbours across the road came over when i mentioned space station coming and they were so excited --BUT. (they'd never heard of it)
Because of not reading this properly, we were looking wsw, but not realising it was departing from the south. I would have gone to front of house to see this !!!! I felt such a plonker, I let them down, ha ha
I kept saying that the station never fails to arrive dead on time, but this time it didnt. Must read this properly next time, as its never happened before. I was so ambarasssed !!! Thanks Wendilla x
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That's a shame pusskin never mind there is always next time . When I first posting this a few years ago I was amazed that people did not know they could see it .

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Last For A Few Weeks Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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