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Dryying Trainers - Quick Advice Needed

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sherrardk | 22:37 Fri 20th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Can I dry trainers in a tumble drier or will it melt any glue?


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I wouldn't, from experience. On a,radiator or airing cupboard is better x
yes, but use the low heat setting. Failing that, turn them upside down and put them on a radiator to heat up slowly.
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Knickers - no radiators or airing cupboard and seven pairs of squishy trainers :(
Try briefly on low heat maybe. I've found they curl when I've tried it, so keep an eye on them.
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Himself has found a hair drier and is trying that.
Florida thunderstorm? Hope you are having a great time apart from the rain! You could try packing the trainers with newspaper, but they will dry out when you wear them in the sunshine tomorrow.
Sher I hope you are having a brill time. Wear them wet tomorrow they will soon dry.
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Three times on a water ride :)

We are having a thunderstorm at the moment though.
Oh yes! Forgot you were away. Sorry. Hope you all have a great time xx
And be careful on top of radiators....I've known them to melt. Have a great time !

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