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Costa Rica!

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Just-Jude | 16:40 Sat 21st Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
After the shambles in Brazil, are the Scots embarrassed about being associated with England and their team of losers? Will it encourage more of them to vote for independence?


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But they didn't qualify....
Do they ever qualify?
A few times, according to my son.
At least we don't embarrass ourselves,we know our place
The Scots have NEVER associated with England where football's concerned
Why "Costa Rica!"?
Is Costa Rica somewhere near the Trossachs?
We only qualify for the local ones, saves all that money on long haul flights.
England will, I'm sure, have only booked a short break as they will have known they were on a hiding to nothing.
Ciao. :)
No embarrassment here. We didn't qualify so we were rooting for England.Don't think it'll make any difference to how we vote. Ally's Tartan Army didn't do too well the time we qualified lol
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Why do the English hate the Scots so much? I was with my Scottish friends all supporting England against Uruguay, the roof nearly came off when they equalised, but after some of the replies on here, I don't think I'll bother again!
Lol...your trolling is crap!!
Didn't see any hatred towards the Scots here at all.
on a serious note, I do find this site anti Scottish at times. but hey ho. re Scotland football. win or not we remain loyal to them. we are great losers when it comes to the world cup :)
Costa Rica - chain of coffee shops out of Weegie land.....?
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I would never's a mortal sin!
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Costa Rica!

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