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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:45 Mon 30th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
119 Answers
Monday comes around again. I wondered where all the wildlife was. Only a few deer on the hillside. Then I found a trap that had been set during the night. To say I was angry doesn't describe it. I destroyed it and searched about. I found four more. I left the bits where they would do no harm with a wee note. I won't say what was in it.

Foxy and tiggy were in as usual, foxy at 10.25 and tiggy about an hour later. Both looking well.

Some cloud about this morning. I hope it clears.

Have a happy day everyone.


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late on parade again folks but cant seem to sleep until about 4am,boaty very well done to spot and dismantle the traps wish "they" could get caught in one just so they know all about suffering. Welshie well done with your bargain you should have bought your wedding togs at the same time !
Taking Violet Elizabeth Bott for her booster today at the vets, she is now 15 and still goes out in the night [ tart].
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Morning val xxx All well this morning? :o}
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Morning Dee xxx Sleep will come when it's ready. The secret is not to worry about it. :o}

Best of luck to VEB, as long as she's having fun. ;o}
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone. See you tomorrow. :o}
Yes thanks, off to pick up some more chicken sheds today. We got some more hens yesterday and we were supposed to have been able to pick up the sheds on Friday ahead of them coming, but the guy cancelled so they'e been living it up in one of the stables. Not looking forward to it though, they're second hand and look like they have big spidies:(
spidies lol morning kva get some gloves you will be ok
Morning Bernie- I hates them- I wouldn't hurt one just because I don't like it but I really wish they'd have the common decency to *** off before we get

There you go Shar,
a Blast from the Past!
lol kva just stand there and yell at them to "sod off "
Son gone now. He lives in Bristol.
morning, been up since 4.55 courtesy of my neighbours arguing
nice!! how are you xx
im good thanks, trying to come up with a cure for boredom!
Thanx Baldric:)
I've tried that Bernie they tend to ignore me or monster me into the corner :)
stay on here all day and a sausage roll now and again x
lol kva tip:no 2 stand on em..!!

'Any excuse to play The Who!'

Bleeeeuuurrrgh! Even if I didn't think that was morally wrong, I'm so scared I couldn't get that close to 'em.
im going to spend today cooking, not sure what yet. i've got as far as putting a joint of pork in the slow cooker. not sure what it will end up as

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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