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Any Caravan Owners

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Ric.ror | 07:47 Wed 02nd Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Who would like to share their experience
I am seriously thinking of getting one


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Ric, we had a static caravan on a very small riverside park. It was far enough away to feel you had been away for the weekend. It was a luxury one with all the comforts of home. The site fees went up each year but we were ok with that. When we decided to sell it because we were moving house, the company who owned the site bought it from us.

We quite often go back to the site and, every time we do, we are tempted to buy another one.

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How long can you keep a van for and how do you "get rid of it" when the time comes
Hi Ric, we have a static and we love it. We have it on a site, 6 miles outside Caernarfon, right on the beach.
All sites differ in their rules and regs, but ours allows you to have your van on it until it is 20 years old, some have no limit, they just say that it must be we kept and in a good condition.
The best advice we were given when we were looking for a van, was to think seriously about the distance from your home and how long it would take to get there.
If it is too far away, you will come home from work on a friday and think, i can't be bothered travlling that far,
If it is too close, you will find yourself popping home for things you have forgotten, instead of just making do for a few days.
^^Well kept, not we kept!^^
I have to ask because its puzzling me, how do you plan to get to and from your static when you have bought it, if you don't drive?
We hired a caravan about four years ago and took it to France, maybe you could do that to see how it goes? Personally, it's not for us - you have to drive everywhere so slowly and they just aren't big enough (even with an awning) but I can see the appeal.
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Sparkles - both my sons drive. It's more about having one there for the whole family to use
If you do get one, buy the most expensive one you can afford.

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