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How Beautiful Was That

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Ric.ror | 17:39 Sat 05th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
And that's why it's gods own county


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North Yorkshire Dales, nowhere like it, just fabulous.
19:03 Sat 05th Jul 2014
Aye, gradely...

How beautiful was what fgs?
The Yorkshire countryside as backdrop to the cycling?
I assume that bike ride?
North Yorkshire Dales, nowhere like it, just fabulous.
it's very very green - compare and contrast with the parched French countryside you'll see later in the tour.
The stretch along Wensleydale and Coverdale to Middleham must be one of the most picturesque in the country.
grand lad, and full of big arses.
Sad thing is that many locals have to leave as property sold to second home owners at fancy prices.
Good to see the Yorkshire welcome all along the route from Leeds to Harrogate, it was a lovely day and showed Yorkshire at it's best. Hope tomorrow goes well and the rest of the journey too.
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