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Woe Is Me !

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Dee Sa | 14:20 Sun 06th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
decided to do a boot sale to lighten my clutter, did not like the weather forecast for yesters so decided to go for it today. Up at 5.30am, out at 6.15 and there before 7am even then there buyers already there, 15 mins after setting up my wares with the help of my long suffering bro-in-law it started to drizzle within half an hour we and our wares were seriously wet so like others we decided to call it a day and we were back indoors by 9am, then by 11am its glorious sunshine outside, all I managed to sell in the short time there was enough to cover the entrance fee ! luck never seems to be on my side.


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I've never been to a car boot sale, largely because they all seem to start at an ungodly hour on a Sunday when the best place for me is my bed!

Better luck next time.

Sorry to hear that Dee, what a shame. Perhaps you can try another time, trouble is you can never rely on the weather.
when I have done them in the past we always had large sheet of polythene to cover table in event of showers. I know this doesnt help you now Dee Sa, and sorry to hear of your experience today.
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yes I noticed the odd stall bring out waterproof covering whilst the rest packed all away & left, I shall be wiser next time.
that's the exciting thing about the British summer, you never know what day it is going to be on each year!
When I lived in Grimsby, car boot sales used to start about 7am, I could go before work, if I wanted, now I am living in County Durham they dont start till 1 pm, I have always thought it strange, but the queues to get in are horrific.
Here in west London they start very early and the dealers hover around car as you try to unpack, muttering have you got any jewellery etc
Sorry to hear about the bad weather for your boot sale. How much did you have to pay for your stall? Round here it is £5 and is from 7am until 1pm. Its always packed.

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