Software Advice Needed in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Software Advice Needed

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wolf63 | 18:48 Mon 07th Jul 2014 | Technology
2 Answers
This isn't a true technology query but there is no place else that I can post it.

I can't draw but I would like to take the picture of the young lad in my avatar and make him into a cartoon cat. Then, by using some sort of software to make changes to the picture, to get him to be placed in other situations and positions.

Is there a type of software that can do this ?

Is there an idiot-proof type of software that can do this?


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I suspect there are plenty of art packages (most ?) that can perform such tricks, but the end result, given you want to go around changing positions and suchlike, would depend on your time and effort. Just go search for a well recommended free art package.
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Thanks OG, I have Gimp (which baffles me) so I might have a play with that.

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