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The Earth Didn't Move But This Drawer Certainly Has...

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sandyRoe | 11:41 Fri 11th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
I apologise for the quality of the image but though it worth showing anyway. Media URL:


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Are those traps bg enough to catch a poultrygoose though?
12:05 Fri 11th Jul 2014
♪♫ Who yuh gonna call? James Randy ♪♫ . . . have any psychics warned there might be a million dollars in your future?
^^ Lovely voice. ;o)
Indeed, Sandy, an open mind might very well get to the bottom of the open drawer mystery.
I should have said "to the bottom of the top open...."
/Turning off the computer might show that it was nothing more than smoke and mirrors. /
Probably not even that.. :o)
Good to know something's still moving, Sandy xxx
I don't think there will be an Oscar nomination for this one sandy, but I found it
Lol, sibs! Sandy, i drifted over with an open mind. In the interest of research, could you raise the front of the desk to take out the gravity effect and refilm please? (preferably with a light on, this time:-))
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Pixie, in a sense this is a minor version of the Turin Shroud or the phial of blood held in the Basilique du Saint-Sang. To start to dissect it, by moving it to negate the effect of gravity, for example, , or even to use better lighting, would only destroy the mystery.
Well yes. I expect so ;-)

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The Earth Didn't Move But This Drawer Certainly Has...

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