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A Drawer In A Desk That's Opening Of Its Own Accord.

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sandyRoe | 11:09 Thu 10th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
It's a drawer that sits on metal rollers. The desk seems to be level yet the drawer slowly opens a couple of inches. It's not eerie, just a bit strange. What could be going on?


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I'm fastly picking on it up tho, Baldric.
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It's a spare desk and the only electrical item on it is the modem. It also holds a box containing mousetraps( could the unquiet spirits of the little ones be at work) and a spotted tennis shoe which used to hold my tobacco.
Stuey, if we get your drift then it's clear enough.
Sandy, that lone shoe in the drawer; is that the one you discovered months ago sitting atop a wall I believe?
that should have been 'clumsierly' stuey
A few weeks back I was sitting at my desk typing up a really boring document. I moved my hand to grasp my mouse only to see it moving backwards on the desk - moving at quite a speed too. At the end of the desk it fell off.

Do you think that it might have been a supernatural event? I immediately discovered the cause of my moving mouse - the feline in my avatar (Frankie) came shooting out from under the desk. I am hopeful that the mouse fell on his skull and knocked some sense into him.

Good Mouser then Wolf?
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Stuey, the lone shoe on the wall was a Dr Martin brogue, well-polished, and in good condition. I left it where it was in the hope that its owner might retrieve it.
The white show which sits on my desk , size 7, is covered in coloured polka dots. I don't know where it came from. But as it's clean, looks as though it never graced a foot, I sometime in the past decided to store my tobacco in it.
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white shoe, rather than white show ^
Gness had a valid point in her 11:25 post. I've been asked by people why their pendulum operated mantle or wall clocks keep on stopping even though they assure me that the case is level. The cases may indeed be level; however, it's the movement inside that isn't. Just a few "teaks" of the pendulum mechanism and the clock is fixed.
Baldric - I saw this and thought of your big vicious scary hounds. I get the feeling that the kitten is going to drive the poor dog nuts.
Thanks sandy for having informed me that your desk is a 'spare' desk. Are you married and if so , does your wife know.?

scary - ring up X factor.... X files I mean ... ( unless of course Scully is appearing on X factor )

It's like that twisty Ushabti in the Manchester Museum

only a drawer !
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The drawer moving of its own volition can be viewed in the link. Should I be looking for an exorcist and what would they charge?
Sandy, you are implying that the drawer has a will of it's own. Have you considered that instead of exorcising it you could perhaps be a little more positive and convert it to christianity. There may be a lack of heavenly drawers.
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I'm sure all in Heaven are properly attired. There'd be an ample supply of drawers.

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