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Lots Of Bots...

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gness | 20:26 Sat 12th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Well it was such a hot and sticky day the only thing to do was phone a friend and tootle into town for a cold pint outside a pub.

A jolly crowd arrived at the next table....all sexes....all ages but all members of the 'loads of tattoos' club.

One lady had had a new tattoo which she was keen to show off so, with the help of one of the chaps, she did.....she bent over and he hoiked down her skirt and knicks to display the tattoo on her bottom....

Popped into the shop to buy nibbles to take home where I encountered an attractive young lady.....wearing a did I know?

Her dress was tucked into the elastic.....

Never have I gone for a pint and seen so many bare bots....well that I can remember anyway......☻


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did the beer turn cloudy gness ?
what was the tattoo ?
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Tut, Dee....Guinness never clouds...bums or no bums.....x

A fox going to earth, Anne....☺
I used to frequent a pub where a guy had two eyes tattooed on his bum, one on each cheek and one side was a half wink and everytime he had one too many he would show the whole pub. He must be in his 70s now and I half expected him to pop up on that OAPs behaving badly in Spain on tv the other night but he did not.
No male butts though...:-(
Which hole was it heading for, gness ?.

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