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Well, Have I????

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TWR | 20:24 Sat 19th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers


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I don't think you have
What a swell party this is!
Oh lord
is this a quiz?....will it fit in a breadbox?
No, you haven't won the lottery.

Yes, you have got your name on the NSA's list of suspected terrorists.

No, you haven't been accepted for entry into this year's Miss World competition.

Yes, you have been nominated for Beer Belly of the Year.

No, you haven't got a date with Beyonce.

Yes, you have got me to waste time typing all this twaddle.
only you would know that.......
LOL LOL @ chris
If you have, the smell hasn't reached here yet.
^ :-))
It's hit here - or it's my mater......and that could well be the reality.
Question Author
Buen, you took the time to answer though!
Question Author
Yes it's time for the 3 barrels folks hic hic
Yes, i bet you have already, but you wont tell will you?
If you have, well done.
You have, if you believe you have.
LOL at Graham-W
Question Author
Yes, done that first & as always very satisfied, another later if It permits, might be 2 who knows, it all depends on the 3 barrels and my train of thoughts, will let you know.
-- answer removed --
I think its a case of " he thought he did but he didnt and when he looked he had!"

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Well, Have I????

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