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Went To Aldi.

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Jeza | 20:32 Sat 19th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I always use my debit card to pay. Invalid pin. I put it in again. Invalid pin. The cashier said if you do it wrong again your card will be cancelled. So as not to allow this to happen I paid with cash. On the way home I was racking my brain as to what I did wrong. Then it dawned on me, I was trying to use my credit card pin.
On speaking to others they tell me they use the same pin for both, but surely that's not a wise thing to it.

Is it true that the card would be cancelled?


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It's not particularly wise but I know of people who do it, use the same numbers for varous things....

and yes, the card would be frozen if you put a wrong PIN in three times, you'd have to contact your bank to get a new one issued.
If you key in the wrong pin at the hole in the wall at a bank a few times jeza it is swallowed up and disappears!
I've done that, vakayu - really annoying if it's not your own home bank....
Yes 3 wrong attempts and the card will be cancelled until you contact the bank and prove your identity and ask for the card to be reinstated. This is to prevent fraud , unless this was done someone could keep on trying to guess the PIN of a stolen card.
// Is it true that the card would be cancelled //

no a telephone kiosk descends on you with an orange flashing light on top and the door works like they usually do and then poison gas ......

it is unusable until you unlock which here in Manch has to be done by a personal vizeet to the branch.....

and no I have been cloned
so I make myself memorise different numbers for all of them
Itis a real pain but better than being cleared out

CIFAS for victims is good - if anyone has been cloned
but the effect - you are on a special list - it must makes credit more difficult.
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Vakayu, I never use a hole in the wall. The Halifax robbed me of £20 nearly 25 years ago and insisted their machines did not make mistakes. We closed 2 savings accounts and moved our mortgage. We have not used a hole in the wall since.
How do you get your money out, then, jeza, do you actually go into the branch, or take cashback when you shop?
^ sorry if that sounds nosey, but I can't imagine not using an ATM!
Better to have same pin numbers for all your cards, I have makes life much easier!
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Always use cash back boxy. If under £5 I pay if over then credit or debit card.
I have only used an ATM twice in my life, Cashback or in branch if I need money.
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And I always have £100 in an envelope at the bottom of my handbag for an emergency like happened today.
Most IT systems are set up on a 'three strikes and out'basis - so, make a rick of your password thrice and you're automatically locked out until password is reset.
Good tip about the "emergency" cash. My £20 has helped me out a lot...always remember to replace it though!

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Went To Aldi.

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