Home & Garden10 mins ago
Tel Aviv
i went here in 1978 and took a ride to the top of the tallest (then) building in the middle east "the shalom tower"
my question is can anyone who did the same remember it had an external glass elevator on the side of the building, my friends dont believe me and i cannot find any reference to it anywhere , i distinctly remember this because it was cogged to the 36th floor by a combustion engine on the top of the lift car,
any memories,
my question is can anyone who did the same remember it had an external glass elevator on the side of the building, my friends dont believe me and i cannot find any reference to it anywhere , i distinctly remember this because it was cogged to the 36th floor by a combustion engine on the top of the lift car,
any memories,
Reference to a Glass Elevator in a guide book. http://books .google.co.u k/books?id=3 U8GtgoloWgC& amp;pg=PA263 &dq=Shal om+Mayer+Tow er&hl=en& ;sa=X&ei=l69 fU-zyDMLd7Qb 7m4DQBw&redi r_esc=y#v=on epage&q=Shal om%20Mayer%2 0Tower&f=fal se
10:32 Tue 29th Jul 2014
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