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malaise | 23:49 Sun 02nd Apr 2006 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
How do you get rid of these horrible creatures? Talcum powder hasn't worked, so can you recommend a product that you can use indoors that WORKS? Ta :) x


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Magnifying glass.
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A bit time consuming...
-- answer removed --
you can buy a product for this at most diy stores along with ant powder etc
As stated above, several brand named products are available on the market. Any of the insecticide sprays containing the active ingrediant malathion that claims to kill all crawling insects should be suitable.Dont spray near pets or food stuffs. Treat areas where you have seen them crawling, avoid breathing fumes. Best to apply before leaving the house for a few hours. Choose one that claims to last several months between applications. Good Luck.
try Dethlac its brilliant and lasts for ages and can be used indoors and outside
I don't know why a post suggesting razing a house to the ground is removed but it's perfectly acceptable to call woodlice horrible.

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