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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:08 Sat 02nd Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
111 Answers
Saturday. Wet. A bit of breeze, so no wildlife report this morning. Still not seen foxy. Tiggy was in and saw off the fat trimmings from the sirloin steak I had yesterday. He was on it like a missile! He didn't hang about long, but he did take a bit of it away with him, so Mrs. tiggy is OK.

It's going to be wet weather gear for today's charter. My crewman, who live at the bottom of the hill, will be picking me up at 0945. Got a couple of jobs to do on the boat as well as all the usual checks. The things you do for a 'free' lunch!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Bye DT ..xx
bye DTC. have a good day.

if you get a chance check out the Yorkshire day thread..... you'll see what I mean.
Morning everybloody. No plans for this overcast day for once. Bit of gardening perhaps.
Morning zac xx
Morning Murray. Are you off to any fringe gigs?
Will peruse programme ...have a peek..but will have to be something reeeely good to brave the throngs !
Time to skedaddle...see you all later xx
time for me to go. byeee. hope you all have a good day. xx
Good morning everybody,very late getting on here this morning. GY's news from yesterday not good,two of the by pas grafts have failed. Consultant said it's rare but it happens. They're going to try and stent them in a few days. Thanks for your concern, let's hope all goes well.
Oh dear, Grandma...not what you wanted at all.....hope the stents procedure goes well....Gx
Thank you gness we're both trying to be positive about it. Many thanks for your good wishes.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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