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The Belfast 'pride' March Took Place This Morning Under A Torrential Downpour.

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sandyRoe | 14:14 Sat 02nd Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
It will have been accompanied, as usual, by worthies from the Free Presbyterian Church protesting about their sinful ways of the marchers.
I sometimes wonder do the protesters experience a frisson of excitement when thinking of that sinful behaviour?


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Oh, Lord....just re-read Retro saying he prefers homosexuality when it was illegal!!! Bit like me preferring Poteen...til it was legalised......☺☺
14:31 Sat 02nd Aug 2014 I can't think they do.....they seem to give it so much thought that they'd be exhausted if it excited them too.......☺
Just a load of drama queens and exhibitionists.What they get up to was illegal years ago.Now it is'nt so why do we need to have sexuality thrust in our face and exhibited and paraded in an undignified manner.Like a load of silly schoolkids given an amnesty for nicking out of Woolies and then bragging about.I prefer it when it was illegal.NOT because of disapproval or abhorrence in their behaviour but at least their acts were done behind closed doors and we did'nt have it flaunted in our face.If you are Gay just get on with your bloody life and stop camping around like a lot of bloody fairies.They have nothing to be proud about and are not providing a valuable service but are an irritation.
I am not at all interested in religion (but I accept that other people do believe and I respect that) so I had to look up this church. The name of Ian Paisley said much about its views.

It was described as 'fundamentalist' but without any actual fun.

At first I thought that they also had something against horses as it also has a 'Calvary Free Presbyterian Church' mentioned.

It doesn't see like the type of place for me. These guys must be related to the horrible people who stand outside abortion clinics in the US.

I hope that they had a good March and that next year it is bigger and more like a happy carnival.

Thank you, Retrocop....☺
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I think they would be, Wolf63. And no production of Joseph and his amazing dreamcoat, or JC, Superstar, would be complete here in Belfast without them picketing the theatre goers.
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Oh, Lord....just re-read Retro saying he prefers homosexuality when it was illegal!!!

Bit like me preferring Poteen...til it was legalised......☺☺
Every time I hear the expression "gay pride", I conjure up a vision of a gleeful bunch of felines happily prancing and cavorting across the Senrengeti.
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True. Illegality adds a certain piquancy. ☺
Thank you, Sandy...this is my second laugh aloud thread today.....xx
Not really worried either way gness but was that a approbation Thankyou or a disapproval Thankyou?
As pathetic as the Irish marches held annually to celebrate a battle which happened well over 300 years ago
I preferred the real moonshine when it was illegal also.You can buy poteen in duty free shops and it is so refined it's insipid. know so much about what goes on behind our closed doors that you must know the answer to your question.
Hi Sandy, do you know how the anti fox hunting protest at Stormont today wet?
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Psybbo, it would have been very wet but I don't know how it went.
I shouldn't have corrected it, thanks Sandy. The rain here has been torrential all day
any church which has the word '' free'' are highly suspicious. :)

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