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Toe Problem

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gettinblurry | 21:31 Wed 30th Jul 2014 | Health & Fitness
10 Answers
When I curl my big toe with the foot extended (sorta 'pointing' with the foot if that makes sense) I get an intense burning sensation in the knuckle.
I figured it would go away in time, but I've had it for a few weeks now.
It's no biggie, just wondered if it sounds familiar?


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My guess is that it's the first sign of . . .
(If you think that I might be right, see the links in black, i.e. 'Diagnosis', 'Treatment, etc)
Or 'screwmatics' as my dear departed mother used to call Rheumatoid Arthritis.....
No nothing familiar.

I assume that the pain is only there when you move your toe and not present all the time?

I assume that it is not red and swollen.

Just monitor the situation.
my money is on gout. :) like throwing your money away you?....;-)
Leave it out sqad, she's a Scot !.
tony........I know!......I know!
I saw that !!!!!!!!! excuse me gb.
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Thanks for the replies - and sorry it's taken me a while to respond.
Wouldn't you know it, been putting up with it for weeks, finally ask for advice, and it disappears. Other than a painful joint, none of the symptoms seem to to suggest gout - and Sqad's assumptions are spot on.
If it comes back I'll get it looked at.
Cheers all.

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