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Morning Campers

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TWR | 09:35 Sat 02nd Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
A bit dull here ( No, not me) but the weather, Grandson's Wedding to day at Fleetwood so I hope the Weather is good for him / her / Children, what are your plans? whatever it is, have a good one. this is for a special one? x


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Just keep that thought from your mind during the wedding then, TWR... don't want the Grandad evicted....☺
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xxx lol lol will have one for you Gness, take care u lot.
gness, you're not next door are you? The bloke next door sounds to be hacking out his brick fireplace.....
Blimey,, not the fireplace's my new indoor trampoline....

I'll try to keep the noise down...... ;-)
Just rained here but the sun is trying to break out, hope it does as I've got 16 of us for dinner today and I need everyone in the garden.

I'm glad it's cool though, my heat rash is starting to clear up :)

TWR, enjoy the wedding.
Morning TWR
I hope you have a great time at the wedding and make sure you tell us how it went.
Yesterday I received a frantic call from one of the shops I supply, asking for twenty owl purses today. I am having a break from the sewing machine at the moment. Not that anyone will be interested, but I never want to see an owl or a bloody zip again
Oooops....I have got an idea and vague pattern for a little own and I was going to share it with you, MrsOwledoff.....perhaps not?
Forget the "own" insert owl....see how you scare me.... :-(
Gness - so you should be ;-)
Is it one of those treadle sewing machines mrs overowl, only I know how you Yorkshire lass's like to errrrrm save money ;-)
cheeky git!
Nothing wrong with a treadle sewing machine, if you get the rhythm right it can be quite pleasant ;-)
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Hi all, the wedding went very well for my Grandson, the reception was very good except!! there was a toothless idiot at the end of the Bar who kept looking at us!!!! after a while as you do, I went to the loo, after a Min or Two this toothless crank came in and said, I do not like Pizzz head in wedding coming here getting Pizzed then driving home??? he said his son was a policeman, I said you are talking to a policeman here ( Lie) he then said I don't like you SCUM in weddings, this was the wrong thing to say to me as I am very Quick Mineded???? I said I think you had better shut your mouth, he repeated his comment my reply this time, is the reason you lost your teeth because you have said that to the wrong person, he did not reply, I reported this to the Hotel Owner, as I said this, this clown came out of the loo, I left the Owner to deal with it, Not sure of the pubs name but it's next door to the New Boston Hotel, Fleetwood Lancs, " Beware of the Toothless Idiot that sits at the end of the bar).

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