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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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wendilla | 18:27 Sun 03rd Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
1st sighting 9 40 PM FOR 2 mins SE departing ESE

2nd sighting 11 14 pm for 4 mins SW departing ESE

For any early risers there is a sighting at 4 05 am for 3 mins WSW departing S


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Thanks wendilla, maybe not tonight but hopefully later in the week!
I'll keep an eye out for the 11 14 one but a fair bit of cloud here this evening.
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Hi boxtops we are nice and clear here in the midlands at the moment.
....presumably, the first sighting should be SW to ESE? If SE, it'll be doing a U-turn!
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Yes Gingejbee my mistake . well spotted thanks.
Looks hopeful here in Herts, 20% cloud cover so far but building up.

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Just checked Gingejbee I did put ESE.
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Sorry, wendilla...but isn't that going back (more or less) the way it came ? Never seen that before!
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Sun Aug 3, 9:40 PM 2 min 12° 10 above SSE 10 above ESE Facebook Twitter
Sun Aug 3, 11:14 PM 4 min 41° 10 above SW 33 above ESE Facebook

This is taken from the nasa site.
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The time and directions are taken off the nasa site . Never had any problems before with the directions in the 6 years I have been posting these times .
We're very clear tonight, wendilla, but the SE trajectories aren't good for us - our best sightings are W to E references, which goes diagonally across our skies.
Thank you once again wendilla. We saw the 9.40 very clearly from the SE.
Strange that my husband and I get so much pleasure from watching a bright light hurtle across the sky x
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Same here jakep I have been watching it for about 9 years and still fascinated by it . We miss the double flyovers when the shuttles use to go up but can sometimes get a view of the cargo ships bringing the food ect .when skies are really clear .

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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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