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Poppy Installation At Tower Hill

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Maydup | 20:18 Tue 05th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
The installation of 800,000 ceramic poppies began today in the moat at the Tower of London. Its breath taking already and there's more to come.



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It's beautiful isn't? I'm definitely going try to to see it.
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I just bought a poppy from the First World War commemorative installation at the Tower of London Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red.
It looks wonderful, a fitting tribute.
Trish doesn't know it yet but I've bought her one as a surprise, they dispatch then a few weeks after the display finishes in November when they've all been cleaned and checked for damage.We're also going to try and have a couple of days in London at the end of the month and it's definitely on the must see list.
They look lovely flowing from the window down on to the grass. What a lovely idea to commorate this way.
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All being well, we'll plan a trip to see this before November. I'm mesmorised by its beauty and serenity.
We were talking about this earlier and are going to buy one tomorrow, I think it's a wonderful idea as well as a spectacular installation, can't wait to get into London to see it.
I have been last Friday and seen for myself, the volunteers are amazing so are the poppies and I stopped to give a silent thank you to all the brave men & boys who lost their lives. Such an honour to actually have been there and seen them, I was with my granddaughter & my great grandson age 11who listened whilst we carefully explained why we are doing this to honour our dead.
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What an honour Dee, to have seen the creation of the display last week.
We've just bought our poppy :)

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Poppy Installation At Tower Hill

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