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Earliest Bird?

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douglas9401 | 04:59 Thu 07th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
114 Answers
Am I first up? Good morning. :-)



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that's going to be a bit of a 'jam' on the step, minty.... ;-)
Bye boaty xx

No talking over there !
DT - I noticed that someone fancied an éclair - a hankering to 'bat for the other side', possibly? But then later the same person fancied a jammy todger.......... well, only one thing to say really................

Hail Mary..............
Time to go and get on with some paid employment...........

Have a great day everyone - and stay safe
see you welshie, next will be one of those tunnock teacake thingies
Bye welshie xx humph ;-/

As long as it's dark chocolate tunnocks.... yummy !

I'm saying nowt...............
Time for me to poodle...see you all later xxx TRY to be good you naughty know who you are ! ;-)
Must go myself.....won't be on this evening until very late, dinner out tonight.
Morning all xx everyone gone? X
morning all xx
Morning everyone xxx
Morning all... very late but walking into work to a maelstrom of nonsense!! Anyway.... hope everyone has a good day

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Earliest Bird?

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