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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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wendilla | 17:55 Thu 07th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
1st sighting 9 35 pm for 6 mins SW departing E

2ND sighting 11 11 PM for 5 MINS W departing E


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Wendilla - do you have a telescope? I`m not into astronomy (my sister was big into it when we were young) but I have always loved looking at the moon. There have been some lovely moons in the last few nights. I finally decided to get some astronomical binoculars (Celestron 25 x 70) which are due to arrive on Monday. I`m looking forward to that. Maybe I`ll see the SS as well.
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No I do not have a telescope but I do have good binoculars. I am not too well up on the stars . Just the planets and what goes on with the Iss.

Thanks for that, will try for second one!
Nice clear skies here in the North West, great view, looking forward to the second pass. Cheers Wendilla.
Flip! Missed it!
Thank you wendilla. Sighting interrupted by some large clouds but clear in places.
Another clear sighting, thanks again Wendilla.

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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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