I believe that the photographer owns the copyright for the following reason. To own copyright you have to have ' created or significantly been part of the creation process, or be an employer of or an enabler of the person creating the image'. That means essentially if I am taking pictures at a rock concert and you say to me ' Can I have a go' and take a picture I will likely own the copyright not you, because I applied for the accreditation, I went to the expense of purchasing the equipment, the digital media it was recorded on is solely mine, and I have employed or enabled you to take the photograph. That photograph is never coming off my memory card without my work and say so. If I then adjust it and edit it and market it, that's further 'creative' work I have put into it's existence. It's the same scenario with this guy and the monkey, and it's just wiki being ar ses and thinking they can actually decide. this needs fighting because people using your pictures without consent / paymentis a nightmare as it is, this just takes it to new levels.