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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening .

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wendilla | 18:35 Fri 08th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
It's sighting. 10 23 pm for 6 mins. W departing E

2nd sighting. 11 59 pm. For 2 mins W departing wsw


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No chance at all here tonight wendilla.
Too cloudy here, too :-(
Cheers Wendy xx about to nod off though :o) Have a great weekend
We had a wonderful view of it on holiday on Wednesday evening for 6 mins over the Lincolnshire coast. I told lots of people about this lovely spectacle and got them all interested in watching out for it!

Thanks, but not much chance tonight,
Thanks wendilla, but its chucking it down tonight, its a no no.
Wendilla - What info and advice can you give us please about the Perseid meteor showers due next week? We had a fantastic view of them last year at Sutton on Sea as we had such a panoramic view and a very clear sky.
Nice reminder Ann.
i could have done with this info and internet on holiday for 2 weeks in the isle of Wight. Beautiful warm clear nights 2 weeks running while camping in our tent.
... and for those not in the "know" - they are random shooting stars streaking across the sky if you are lucky enough to see them on 12th or 13th August after midnight. A fantastic sight, although I have just read that this year they won't be quite as spectacular as last year, due to a "supermoon" taking the darkness from the sky.
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PERSEID FIREBALLS: The full Moon of August 10th is no ordinary full Moon--it's a supermoon, the biggest and brightest of 2014. This has raised concerns that bright moonlight will outshine the Perseid meteor shower, underway now as Earth moves into the debris stream of parent Comet Swift-Tuttle. So far the Perseids are holding their own. In recent nights, observers have reported dozens of Perseid fireballs cutting through the glare.

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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening .

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