Mr Clegg in his wisdom says we should'nt criminalise persons in possession of illegal drugs.He seems to believe it is not a criminal problem to possess or use illegal drugs.It still would be a legal problem for suppliers/pushers though so it seems,in a perverse way,he is condoning the supply of illegal drugs.We know what happens between drug gangs in this country.Black on Black killings.The need for Operation Trident etc.Then we have the crimes of theft,burglary and muggings by the users and abusers to fund their habits.NO illegal drugs in this country for users or suppliers.It is known that prescription supplied methodone is over prescribed to junkies so they sell on their surplus to others to buy crack or other muck.Drugs used illegally means crime and should remain so.NOT a NHS problem.If treatment to stop is required then cold turkey should be always available.God help our future kids with government ministers with the mindset of Clegg et al.