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Is It The Silly Season For Killing Insects?

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Buenchico | 01:42 Sun 10th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
BBC News 6th August:

BBC News 8th August:

I would comment but I've just seen a fly. Now where did I put that flamethrower?


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Hmmm looks like a bit of overkill going on pun intended
Question Author
I don't know how those people would cope in your country, Seekerz. I've only been to Oz once and I arrived at Adelaide airport around 3am. On arrival at my overnight accommodation I couldn't sleep and, because I was only there for a few hours, I didn't want to hunt through my bags to find something to read. So I read the only thing available, which was the front section of the phone book!

By the time I'd read upon what to do for snake bites and spider bites, together with advice as to how to cope with earthquakes and other natural disasters, I was beginning to wonder whether I'd be able to survive my stay in such a dangerous country!
Question Author
^^^My memory must be going. Perth, not Adelaide!
Oh it's not all that bad ....Adelaide's had one reasonable tremor that I can remember, I've been bitten by a red back and lived to tell the tale [just !] and killed two red bellied blacks while living on the farm ....hmmm, it's been more fraught than I thought !!
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At least you know that it's a good idea to avoid venomous creatures, Seekerz. (You don't pick them up!). It's definitely the silly season here in the UK:

BBC News 6th August again:
omg ..why did he pick it up, for heavens sake ?? thats the one thing you don't do !!
Question Author
Part of the problem here, Seekerz, is that most people assume that the British countryside is safe, and that it's only other parts of the world where there are dangers. In general that's probably true but there are always exceptions. This was widely reported around the start of this year:
Yes but that's a freak thing ...she wasnt trying to pat the stag or something equally silly.

You wouldn't believe the tourists who try to sit their kids on a bull seal just to get a pretty piccie and there's signs all round the place telling them to keep their distance. This is on Kangaroo Island btw.
Question Author
We don't have many opportunities for parents to risk their children's lives with wild animals, Seekerz. So they simply do it with the forces of nature instead:
(There are loads of reports like that, from all over the country, every time we get some big waves)

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